Dopamine Choi

Solo Exhibition

9 November - 22 November 2022

Dopamine Choi’s artworks exude a mesmerizing allure through their viscous textures and a subdued color palette, enveloping the canvas in an ethereal and enchanting ambiance. Influenced by her upbringing in Indonesia and England, the humidity in her works evokes a sense of mystery and transports viewers to lush jungles and misty landscapes. Within these captivating settings, mythical creatures coexist symbiotically, embodying themes of compassion and protection. The thick layers of oil paint further enhance the organic nature of her compositions, creating a sanctuary-like dome that offers solace and harmony to those who behold her art.

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19-9 Samcheong ro 7-gil jongno-gu seoul 03054 korea     l      [email protected]